Reconstructing Ancient Syria

Image credit: Peggy Lindner


In the ancient past, the war-torn Syria in today’s news was defined by the multiculturalism of its diverse inhabitants. Uncovering how the identities and connections of Syrian communities evolved over time has been an onerous task. In addition to significant gaps within the textual record and limited archaeological investigation, ongoing political violence and destruction of antiquities have increasingly threatened to erase the vibrant mosaic of this historic region. This talk explores how the intersection of coins and digital methodologies can help reconstruct identity and evolving patterns of political exchange within ancient Syria. The speakers hope to educate a wide audience both about the tremendous importance of coins and the vital contemporary issue of Syrian identity and heritage.

Apr 9, 2020 11:00 AM — 12:00 PM
Peggy Lindner
Peggy Lindner
Assistant Professor
Computer Information Systems

My research interests are concentrated on Data Science workflows for Social Sciences.